
2014 Spring Partners Roundup


Partners Roundup on March 24th in Palmyra

Photo Courtesy Bero Architecture, PLLC
Photo Courtesy Bero Architecture, PLLC

We’ve reformatted and renamed our Spring & Fall Preservation Boards/Commissions Workshops. Introducing the……Spring & Fall Partners Roundups. Why the name change? While we strongly encourage members of HPCs and other municipal boards to continue attending, we wanted to broaden the reach of these events to include anyone who is advocating for the reuse of historic resources in his/her community, whether you represent a local government, a non-profit organization, or you’re just an interested citizen. The workshops will continue to be offered free of charge and we will continue to provide you with important and current training in the field of historic preservation planning.

The Spring Partners Roundup will take place Monday, March 24th, 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the Palmyra Community Library, 402 East Main St.

Featured speakers:

Western Erie Canal Alliance (WECA)
NY Cultural Heritage Tourism Network.

WECA will provide an overview of the Main Street Four-Point Approach® to community revitalization.  As an added treat, staff from Bero Architecture PLLC will provide a brief overview of the completed and ongoing rehab of Library’s new home, the former Garlock Office Building.


>>RSVP via email to Caitlin Meives, Preservation Planner

The Spring Partners Roundup is sponsored by:


Helping Hands

United Professional Advisors (UPA) Logo_web


2014 Spring Partners Roundup
