Project Background
The Landmark Society, on behalf of the Town and Village of Nunda, completed a Historic Resources Survey in 2022. The purpose of that survey was to identify areas or individual properties and sites that meet National Register of Historic Places designation criteria, as well as to create an inventory of the historically significant properties within the Town and Village. As part of the survey, the Village of Nunda was identified for its significance in Architecture, Commerce, and Transportation.
As a result, the Village of Nunda partnered with the Landmark Society to complete a National Register of Historic Places nomination for a Village of Nunda Historic District. The current district boundary includes Vermont Street to the north (both sides), North Walnut Street to the east (both sides), Mill Street to the south (both sides), and Gibbs Street to the west (both sides). As we conduct additional research and assessment on the area, the boundary has the potential for minor changes.
District Map
Who is involved?
The Landmark Society will perform the work of the preservation consultant, completing the extensive research, writing, and communication with SHPO necessary for a National Register nomination. Landmark Society staff will also assist the neighborhood with holding public meetings and spreading the word.
The Village of Nunda Stakeholder Committee will lead the charge on spreading the word about the National Register project and public meetings throughout the Village.
The NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers the National Register of Historic Places program and the Historic Tax Credit programs. Their staff will work with Landmark Society to review the district nomination. Once the district is complete, homeowners will also submit their tax credit applications to SHPO.
Next steps
The Landmark Society, in partnership with the Village of Nunda, will host an informational public meeting on Wednesday, November 8th at 5:30 pm to introduce the project to the village, provide information on what the National Register of Historic Places is, and share about the benefits of this honorary designation. We encourage property owners to attend this meeting and ask questions!
Initial Public Meeting:
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
5:30 PM
Trinity Church of Nunda
25 East Street, Nunda, NY
- Landmark staff fieldwork
- Landmark conducts research
- Submit draft nomination to the Village of Nunda Stakeholder Committee and NY SHPO
- Make revisions as needed
- NY SHPO schedules nomination for State Review Board (quarterly meetings)
- After State Review Board approval, SHPO forwards nomination to National Park Service for final National Register approval
Does listing our village in a National Register Historic District restrict what I can do to my home?
Who qualifies for the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program?
Owner occupied homes located in a qualifying census tract (all of the City of Rochester is in a qualifying tract) and a National Register historic district.
What type of work qualifies for tax credits?
Kitchens & bath remodels, porch repairs, paint, HVAC, window repairs, floor refinishing, etc. Landscaping and garages/carriage houses, and appliances do not qualify.
How do I apply for tax credits?
Before beginning any work, complete an application detailing your proposed work. Submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.
Still have QUESTIONS? Contact Jeff Iovannone at
>>Click here to learn more about the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program
If you have specific questions about the tax credit program, you can contact Christina Vagvolgyi with the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) at: 518-268-2217 or
>>Click here to learn more about the National Register of Historic Places