
Village of Naples – National Register Historic District Project


In the summer of 2019, The Landmark Society completed a historic resources survey of the Village of Naples. This project was funded through Preserve New York and Community Foundation grants to the Village of Naples. Preserve NY is a signature grant program of the New York State Council on the Arts and the Preservation League of New York State. Preserve New York is made possible with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Our recommendations from the survey project (presented in the report below) included the creation of three National Register historic districts including (1) Central Naples Historic District, (2) Naples South Main Street Historic District, and (3) Naples Viniculture Historic District, as well as an individual listing of Fairview Cemetery. Drafts of these nominations have been sent to the New York State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) for review.

Preliminary boundaries for the proposed Naples Historic Districts. Exact boundaries may be subject to change.

Click here to view the full Naples Historic Resources Survey Report.

If you are in one of the proposed Historic Districts, you can check to see whether your property is contributing or non-contributing at the links below:

  • Viniculture Historic District – C/NC Map
  • Central Naples Historic District – C/NC Map
  • South Main Street Historic District – C/NC Map

Survey data for individual properties that were documented during the survey project was uploaded to the NY State Historic Preservation Office’s GIS database, called CRIS. You can explore the database as a guest here.

Next Steps

The Landmark Society has completed the National Register nominations for the (1) Central Naples Historic District, (2) Naples South Main Historic District), (3) Naples Viniculture Historic District, and (4) Fairview Cemetery. The nominations are currently being reviewed by the NY SHPO and are anticipated to go before the State Review Board for final approval in September. The Landmark Society hosted a public meeting in coordination with the State Historic Preservation Office on Wednesday, August 3rd at 6:00PM to share information on the National Register nomination and State and Federal tax credit program that property owners may now be eligible for. You can view the recording of that video below.


National Register Historic District nomination process:


Does listing the Village in a National Register Historic District restrict what I can do to my home or commercial property?


Who qualifies for the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program?

Owner occupied homes located in a qualifying census tract (all of the Village is in a qualifying tract) and a National Register historic district.

Is there a tax credit program for rental and/or commercial properties?

Yes, there is a State and Federal historic tax credit program for income-producing properties. These programs are designed for major rehabs and have a higher threshold for spending in order to qualify than the homeowners program. Contact us or SHPO for more information.

What type of work qualifies for tax credits?

Kitchens & bath remodels, porch repairs, paint, HVAC, window repairs, floor refinishing, etc. Landscaping and garages/carriage houses, and appliances do not qualify.

How do I apply for tax credits?

Before beginning any work, complete an application detailing your proposed work. Submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.

More info