presented by Frank Grosso & Home Leasing Sat, 1 December 2018 6:00 PM
Tickets Information: Tickets will be available starting Monday, October 22nd. Advance ticket sales only; tickets will not be sold at the door.
early bird price, Oct 22nd – Nov 5th: $60 after Nov 5th: $70
table of ten: $600
Details: We will close out this anniversary year with our Annual Jubilee by returning to the elegant Georgian-style Historic Harro East Ballroom, a landmark facility located at 155 North Chestnut Street. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Harro East – named after developers Harry and Rosemarie Caufield – is the conversion of the Triangle Community Center at 400 Andrews Street. The TCC was designed by architect Sigmund Firestone and was built in the 1930s as the home of the Jewish Young Men’s and Women’s Association.
The evening will commence at 6:00pm where you will experience for the first time at our Jubilee a free craft beer tasting sponsored by Fifth Frame Brewing Company. True to form there will be an assortment of irresistible silent auction items to bid on, and in addition, we will have our first live auction on a Mexican Villa Dream vacation and our first campaign cash call. Of course, the evenging will include all the staples of our Jubilees, including delicious hors d’oeuvres, food stations, fabulous sweet treats, and a limited open bar. The evening’s music entertainment will feature Rochester’s own band A Few Bad Apples – make sure you wear your dancing shoes! After five attire.