
Contractor Request Form

Chances are if you have an old house, you’ve had trouble finding a contractor or craftsperson to work on it. Many contractors do not have the specialized knowledge or experience required to sensitively update and repair older homes. Instead, many will say, “That can’t be done” or “You need to replace that.” This can be a sign that that’s not the right contractor for the job. Luckily, The Landmark Society maintains connections with skilled contractors and craftspeople who have experience working with older properties.  While we can’t guarantee that these contractors will take on your job, we can at least connect you with the right folks in the business.

We can help connect you with specialists in the Western New York region who specialize in areas such as:

  • Slate / tile / standing seam / cedar shingle roofing
  • Plaster repair
  • Asbestos roofing/siding
  • Historic masonry
  • Foundation and basement repair
  • Stained/leaded glass
  • Stucco repair
  • Custom and decorative carpentry repair and reproduction
  • Architects / Interior Designers / Engineers
  • Wallpaper restoration / repair
  • Decorative painting
  • Architectural Historians / Preservation Consultants
  • Architectural salvage and reproductions

Please be aware that the number of skilled craftspeople working in the preservation trades is extremely limited; this means that most of these individuals and companies are in high demand and may not respond to your inquiry right away and they may have a long waitlist (a year or more). To learn more about our efforts to create training opportunities for careers in the Traditional Trades, please visit our 2016 Five to Revive page.


Please note that we do not necessarily endorse or recommend contractors. We provide names of contractors who, to our knowledge, have either experience with older buildings and/or have a good reputation. We do not guarantee the accuracy of the information we provide.