The Village of Wellsville contracted with The Landmark Society to undertake a Village of Wellsville Historic Resource Survey and to complete a National Register nomination for two historic districts determined eligible through the survey. As part of the survey, two large district were identified: one on the east side of the Genesee River, the other on the west side. Both districts were identified for their significance in Architecture, Community Planning & Development, and Transportation history. These districts are referred to as the Village of Wellsville East Historic District and the Village of Wellsville West Historic District.
Who is involved?
The Landmark Society will perform the work of the preservation consultant, completing the extensive research, writing, and communication with SHPO necessary for a National Register nomination.
The Village of Wellsville is funding the survey and National Register nomination projects, as well as taking the lead with the help of the project stakeholder committee to spread the word about the project and public meetings.
The NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administers the State and National Register of Historic Places programs. Their staff will work with The Landmark Society to review the draft district nominations, provide feedback, and scheduling the nominations for the State Review Board. Once approved by the State Review Board, SHPO will officially list the districts in the State Register of Historic Places and send the nomination to the National Park Service. SHPO also administers the Historic Tax Credit programs, which homeowners and income-producing property owners of contributing properties will become eligible for once the district is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
The National Park Service (NPS) oversees the final step of listing the historic district in the National Register of Historic Places.
Next Steps
The Landmark Society has submitted the draft nomination for the Village of Wellsville East Historic District. The NY SHPO is currently reviewing the nomination and has scheduled it to go to the December 2024 State Review Board Meeting. Prior to the SRB, the NY SHPO and The Landmark Society will be holding a public meeting to discuss the historic district, information on the National Register of Historic Places, and to share about the state’s Historic Homeownership Tax Credit and state/federal Commercial Tax Credit programs that property owners within the district will be eligible to use.
*The Village of Wellsville West Historic District is currently being written and we will coordinate with the NY SHPO to hold another public meeting when it is ready to move forward.*
Join us for an informational meeting about the Village of Wellsville East Historic District on Monday, October 28th at 5:00PM.
There are two options to attend the public meeting:
Option 1: Click the Zoom link below to join the public meeting virtually:
Village of Wellsville East Historic District – Virtual Meeting
Option 2: Join us at the David A. Howe Public Library in the Gallery for an in-person viewing of the virtual presentation.
National Register Historic District Nomination Process:
- Landmark staff fieldwork
- Landmark conducts research
- Submit draft nominations to Village and NY SHPO. (Note: Village of Wellsville East Historic District only at this time)
- Make revisions as needed
- NY SHPO schedules nomination for State Review Board (quarterly meetings)
- After State Review Board approval, SHPO forwards nominations to National Park Service for final National Register approval
- The Village of Wellsville East Historic District is listed in the State and National Registers of Historic Places!
Does listing our neighborhood in a National Register Historic District restrict what I can do to my home?
Who qualifies for the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program?
Owner occupied homes located in a qualifying census tract (all of the City of Rochester is in a qualifying tract) and a National Register historic district.
What type of work qualifies for tax credits?
Kitchens & bath remodels, porch repairs, paint, HVAC, window repairs, floor refinishing, etc. Landscaping and garages/carriage houses, and appliances do not qualify.
How do I apply for tax credits?
Before beginning any work, complete an application detailing your proposed work. Submit to the State Historic Preservation Office.
Still have QUESTIONS? Contact Megan Klem at
>>Click here to learn more about the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program
If you have specific questions about the tax credit program, you can contact Christina Vagvolgyi with the NY State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) at: 518-268-2217 or
>>Click here to learn more about the National Register of Historic Places