
Progress Report: Clarendon Stone Store


As you may have read in a previous post, we have been partnering with local advocates in the Town of Clarendon to bring new life to the former Stone Store, a rare Medina sandstone, Federal style, vernacular commercial building. Since our last update in November, Bero Architecture has completed a site visit report. This type of report prioritizes recommended repairs and will be a useful tool as the Town, the Old Stone Store Preservation Committee (OSSPC), and The Landmark Society begin marketing the property. (Click here to read the full report, a 13MB PDF).

Prompted by information provided in the report, members of the OSSPC have already taken the initiative to repair broken and cracked purlins in the attic. Town Code Enforcement Officer (and Town Historian), Melissa Ierlan, has also been busily working–coordinating discussions with the NYS Department of Transportation regarding the front porch, which sits extremely close to the road; and recruiting a surveyor to donate his time to re-survey the property.

Once the survey is complete, Landmark Society staff and the OSSPC will be going before the Town Board in January to discuss marketing and potential new uses for the property.

OSSPC chair, Erin Anheier has guided and overseen all of these efforts while also preparing a nomination to the National Register of Historic Places. The Stone Store’s nomination is scheduled to go before the NYS Board for Historic Preservation in March 2012.

More updates to come in the New Year!


Progress Report: Clarendon Stone Store


2 thoughts on “Progress Report: Clarendon Stone Store”

  1. Caitlin,
    Thank you and Cynthia for attending the town board meeting at such short notice. Your presence is very positive as we try and keep our stone store fresh in the minds of the towns people. We are hopeful that this will be a success story in the future!!

    • Melissa,
      Thank you and all others for your fine continuing work. I can’t wait to join you and the rest of the gang in a ribbon cutting for this incredible building!

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