Applications are now available for our next round of funding. Launched in September 2012, The Landmark Society’s Preservation Grant Fund program offers funds for preliminary design and planning studies to help make positive improvements to at-risk buildings. The program was initially funded through a bequest from Elizabeth (Libby) Stewart. Libby was a longtime Landmark Society staff member who was dedicated to the revitalization of neighborhoods and historic structures.
The Preservation Grant Fund provides initial “start-up” funding to assist in saving historic resources. The grant will not pay for any “bricks and mortar” work. Only pre-construction services are eligible for funding. Specific use of funds is flexible. Examples of eligible projects include:
- code compliance studies
- construction estimates
- visual project renderings
- measured drawings
- cost comparisons
Recent grant recipients have included: First Presbyterian Church in Holley; Gates Hall in Pultneyville; Huron Grange in Huron; and Naples Memorial Town Hall.
The amount of each request may not exceed $3,500. It is anticipated that the average gift will be approximately $2,500.
Contact Caitlin Meives to discuss your project and obtain an application. Applications will be due Friday, October 28, 2016.
For more information, visit the Preservation Grant Fund page.