The most beautiful, um, Pizza Hut?
I came across this article via the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s press room (a fantastic place to get daily preservation news, btw…) and had to share.
So without further ado, I offer you…The Most Beautiful Pizza Hut in the World
I offer no pithy prose, just a “wow, ain’t this cool” moment to share. Just goes to show that innovative adaptive reuse can be found in the strangest of places. Consider the unique dining experience this Pizza Hut offers over its other cookie-cutter locales. And, most importantly, what could you do in your town?
Smart. Sustainable and smart. And gorgeous. Enjoy the read.
(photo by Annie Scott from
posted by Laura Keeney Zavala, Director of Marketing
2 thoughts on “How’s THIS for adaptive reuse”
Wow…you'd never guess it by the look of the facade.
Reminds me of the Italian restaurant in the old Assembly Hall in York:
I used to eat there just to look around.
Amazing! I certainly will have to keep my eyes open for more of these examples. I've seen many restaurants in older, adapted buildings, but nothing quite like these. Thanks for sharing!
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