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The Historic Tax Credit Program & Appropriate Design Workshop
February 18, 2014 @ 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
AIA Rochester and The Landmark Society present a new workshop designed with architects, developers and property owners in mind: The Historic Tax Credit Program & Appropriate Design. Grab your lunch and head over to Erdman Anthony’s offices at the Culver Road Armory for an insider’s view of the historic tax credit programs. Experts from the Buffalo-based historic preservation firm, Preservation Studios, will present an overview of the state and federal historic tax credit program with a specific focus on designing within the Department of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Visit AIA Rochester’s website to register. Hurry–space is limited! AIA/CES credits available.
>>Click here for the workshop flyer
Tuesday, February 18th | 12:00 p.m. | $5 | Visit AIA Rochester’s website to register.