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Spring 2016 Partners Roundup
April 7, 2016 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
From the Ground Up: Forming Grassroots Organizations
The 2016 Spring Partners Roundup will take place Thursday, April 7th at The Landmark Society’s offices. The Partners Roundup is an opportunity for community advocates and preservation partners from around the region to gather and share their communities’ or organizations’ challenges and successes. The formal portion of the program will feature a panel discussion with representatives of community-based and preservation organizations from around the region.
The Roundup is free and open to anyone involved in preservation or community revitalization at any level. If you’re part of a small non-profit organization or just beginning to talk about forming a community-based group, this is the event for you!
Fred & Nancy Goodnow, Cheshire Meeting Hall, Cheshire Community Action Team
Josephine Matela, Greater Brockport Development Corporation
Sandy Schneible, Perry Main Street Association
Larry Francer, The Landmark Society
Thursday, April 7th | 6:00-8:00 PM | Landmark Society Offices | 133 S. Fitzhugh St. | Rochester, NY 14608