March 26, 2014 Landmark Alerts

Early Bird registration: 6 days left!



Just six days remain to take advantage of discounted Early Bird registration. Conference registration includes more than ever this year:

  • Thursday night (4/24) screening of Third Ward TX documentary at The Little Theatre, followed by a dessert reception at 2Vine
  • Friday (4/25) sessions, keynote by Donovan Rypkema, and Preservation Partners Party
  • Saturday (4/26) Breakfast Speaker Ed McMahon and field sessions

Register now and help us FILL IN THE BLANK in April!


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AIA/CES credits through AIA Rochester pending.

Community Luncheon

Bulldoze Your Way to Revitalization? The Role of Historic Preservation in Rightsizing 

RypkemaJoin us for lunch and a presentation by one of the nation’s leading experts in the fields of economics, real estate, and historic preservation. Donovan Rypkema, Principal of PlaceEconomics, will explain how historic preservation and strategic demolition can inform rightsizing efforts and help regenerate shrinking cities, with a focus on upstate New York cities like Rochester, Buffalo, and Syracuse. This event is a standalone ticketed event, separate from Conference Registration. If you can’t make it to the Conference, join us for lunch and a great speaker!

Thursday, April 24 | 12:00 pm | Ballroom 384 @ East Avenue Inn & Suites, 384 East Ave., Rochester | Tickets: $45 | Click here to purchase your tickets

Eventbrite - Community Luncheon: The Role of Historic Preservation in Rightsizing

AIA/CES credits through AIA Rochester pending. 

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Historic Brighton presents the first town meeting at Stone-Tolan

Stone Tolan House 7113_2

Photo courtesy Richard Margolis

Travel 200 years in two blocks at Historic Brighton’s re-enactment of the first town meeting, at the Stone-Tolan House Historic Site! Saturday, April 5, 2014. Stand in the exact location where 200 years ago – to the very day – the Town of Brighton was formed. What? You don’t want to pay $12 to attend a faux meeting? It’s much more than that. You’ll see the men debating some of the laws, certainly, but you’ll also hear about other concerns of the day – including war and the reproductive habits of sheep. You’ll chat with Sally West about what is left in the kitchen for refreshment. You’ll meet the Stone daughters, and hear what’s on their mind on the birthday of the town.

Did we mention it also includes a traditional plowman’s lunch of apple, cheese, bread and a beverage?

Attendance is by advance reservation only. To reserve your spot for this unique event, you may call (585) 442-5313 or email the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • How many are attending
  • And your first and second choice of a tour time, choosing from 11:30 am, 12:30 pm or 1:30 pm.

Or, click here to download the reservation form and confirm your reservation. Historic Brighton will contact you about payment and your specific tour time.