April Fools’ at Stone-Tolan
Join us for the second annual April Fools’ Tour at the Stone-Tolan Historic Site. The “April Fools” have visited Stone-Tolan – and have really messed things up for the staff! There are all sorts of things in there that don’t belong – and we need your help to figure it out. Adults and kids will hunt for things that are out of place in the 200 year old rooms, including the tavern room, kitchen, parlor bedroom, hallway and pantry. The April Fools’ Tour will take place on this one day only. After all, we’ll need to get everything back to its appropriate, historically correct settings in time for the spring school tours! Visit our website for complete details.
Sunday, April 1 | 12 noon-4 p.m. | Stone-Tolan Historic Site | 2370 East Ave., Rochester | $5 (children 16 & under, free!)
Energy Conservation workshop comes to Rochester
The Preservation League of NYS is bringing its highly informative workshop, Energy Conservation in Historic Buildings, to Rochester on April 11! Co-sponsored by The Landmark Society and the Genesee/Finger Lakes Regional Planning Council, the workshop is designed for contractors, architects and other building professionals. The workshop focuses on energy conservation issues of interest to those who work in older buildings, but who do not specialize in historic preservation or historic structures. Participants will receive technical information on the Energy Conservation Construction Code of New York State – 2010 and its applications for historic buildings. Continuing education credits for architects are available! Visit the Preservation League’s website for more information and to register.
Wednesday, April 11 | 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. | Ebenezer Watts Conference Center | 47 South Fitzhugh Street, Rochester | $35 ($25 student rate)
Don’t miss early bird Conference registration
The deadline to take advantage of early bird Conference registration rates is fast approaching. Register by April 2nd and save! This year’s Conference sessions will bring a host of new topics and speakers from around NY state right to your doorstep–at the historic Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School campus.
Topics will include vision planning, smart growth, the homeowners historic tax credit program, documenting cultural landscapes, success stories from around the region and much more. Click the button below to register now!