Full Moon Flashlight Tours tonight!
You never know what will happen under a full moon! Slip into the past under the veil of twilight in this rare evening tour of the oldest building in Monroe County. Visit the tavern room, kitchen and other spaces, then stroll the grounds and enjoy the kitchen garden, a look at the late 18th century barn, and 200 year old lawn games and toys.
Grab your flashlight and head over to the Stone-Tolan Historic Site at 2370 East Avenue, on July 23rd and August 20th. No reservations required and the entry fee for a flashlight tour of the historic house, popcorn and story sharing is $15.00 per family for Landmark Society members ($18 for non-members), $5.00 for individuals ($6 for non-members) attending solo or with a buddy. S’more Kits can be purchased at the door, along with beverages. Complete event info available on our Events Calendar.
Tuesday, July 23 | 7-8:30 p.m. | Stone-Tolan Historic Site | 2370 East Ave.
The Rochester African-American Landmarks project needs your help!
The Landmark Society is reaching out to the Rochester community to gather facts, events, places, and stories that have been important in the lives of ordinary African- Americans in Rochester. We are looking for places where African-Americans have lived, worked, and raised a family, the location where an important event took place, the home of someone who was special somehow, a park, a school, a corner store – any place that you remember that was important to you at some time in your life.
We want to connect these places with the experiences of real people that make them important, to create a special interest in them that will attract investment, inspire younger generations with identity and community pride, and tell the story of people who came to Rochester and made a life, raised a family and formed a community.
Contact Larry Francer for more information: lfrancer@landmark.layer8group.com or 585.546.7029 x14
Wednesday July 31, 2013 | 6:30-8:00 p.m. | Saint Michael’s Church, 124 Evergreen St, Rochester, NY 14605 | Lighted off street parking available
Federal Preservation Tax Credits Threatened! Take Action!
The following is a message from the Preservation League of New York State.
Join our efforts to save the Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit program from elimination:
>>Take Action<<
Contact our NYS Senators by July 25th!
The U.S. Senate Finance Committee is pushing comprehensive tax reform to address “the complexity, inefficiency, and unfairness” of the federal tax code. While we appreciate the sentiment, we would prefer that they use a scalpel instead of a chain saw to make these changes.
Some of the most powerful tools in the preservation tool box – the 20% Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, the New Markets Tax Credit, and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit – are under attack.
These key federal tax incentives drive private reinvestment to the reuse and redevelopment of historic buildings and communities. As the economy continues to sputter, this is the wrong time to remove these incentives.
Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus (D-Montana) and Ranking Member Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) acknowledge that some of the tax credits serve important objectives. However, they “plan to operate from an assumption that all special provisions are out” unless there is clear evidence that they:
- Help grow the economy
- Make the tax code fairer
- Effectively promote other policy objectives
The federal incentives that advance historic preservation and adaptive reuse of historic structures have proven their economic development and job creation benefits in communities throughout New York State and across the country. The Committee is now seeking input from every Senator regarding detailed proposals as to what credits should be retained in the federal tax code.
Please ask Senator Charles Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to support Federal Preservation Tax Credits and these other programs by July 25!
You can take contact our Senators by clicking here.