Early Bird registration ends 3/15
Don’t miss out! Discounted registration rates for the 2017 Statewide Preservation Conference end next week on Wednesday, 3/15. For just $75, you can be a part of downtown tours, three days of lively and educational sessions, essential preservation and planning training opportunities, and a party that is not to be missed.
Attending from out of town? Visit our website for booking information. Our room block at the Hilton Garden Inn expires on 3/14!
A Conference of The Landmark Society of Western New York, Preservation Buffalo Niagara, Preservation League of New York State, and NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. Presented by: Rochester Colonial Manufacturing & Winn Development.
Spring Partners Roundup: Thursday, March 16th
Like amazing historic rehabs like this award-winning one of the Babcock-Shattuck House in Syracuse? See more & hear their backstories as we talk to preservation-focused architecture firms from Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo at our next Partners Roundup on Thursday, March 16th, 6:00-8:00 PM. The Roundup is free and open to anyone involved in preservation or community revitalization at any level.
The formal portion of the program will feature presentations and a panel discussion with three of our region’s preservation architecture firms: Crawford & Stearns, based in Syracuse; Bero Architecture, based in Rochester, and Clinton Brown Company Architecture, based in Buffalo. Each firm will present a case study of a preservation project that they have worked on in the region, highlighting different approaches to project funding, ownership structure, and design challenges.
Thursday, March 16th | 6:00 – 8:00 PM | 133 S. Fitzhugh St., Rochester, NY 14608 | RSVP to Caitlin Meives
Informational meeting: potential Park Avenue Historic District & tax credits
The area in the Park Avenue neighborhood of the city of Rochester, outlined in brown in the map above (click image to see larger view), is potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places as a historic district. This honorary program does not place any restrictions on private property owners. It does allow homeowners in the district to take advantage of the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program. Learn more at an informational meeting on Thursday, March 23rd.
We’ll answer questions like:
- Who qualifies for the NYS Historic Homeowners Tax Credit program?
- What type of work qualifies for tax credits?
- How do I apply for tax credits?
- How do I make my home eligible?
- Does listing our neighborhood in a National Register Historic District create restrictions on what I can do to my home (Answer: No)
- What’s the difference between a National Register Historic District and a City Preservation District?
Interested? Please RSVP to Caitlin Meives at The Landmark Society. If you aren’t able to make this meeting, additional informational meetings will be scheduled.
Thursday, March 23 | 6:30 – 7:30 PM | Immanuel Baptist Church, 815 Park Ave. | RSVP to Caitlin Meives