2015-10-06 Fall Partners Roundup

Fall Partners Roundup: Creative Placemaking

The 2015 Fall Partners Roundup will take place Monday, October 26th at The Landmark Society’s offices. The Partners Roundup is an opportunity for community advocates and preservation partners from around the region to gather and share their communities’ or organizations’ challenges and successes. The formal portion of the program will feature a panel discussion with artists and preservationists from around the region who are utilizing creative, place-based events to showcase historic communities and places.



Pilar McKayShake on the Lake (Perry, NY)

Dana Saylor is an innovative thinker and creative connector. Her work is related to history, placemaking, and the built environment. She is a local artist, historian, published author, and creative placemaker in Buffalo, New York.

Crystal Surdyk is the Operations Manager and Community Engagement Coordinator at Joy Kuebler Landscape Architect, PC (JKLA). She received her B.S. in Urban and Regional Planning and Analysis from Buffalo State College and also has a background in Architectural Technology, as well as more than twenty years business management experience. In addition to her position at JKLA, Crystal serves as Project Manager for the Buffalo based non-profit Designing to Live Sustainably.

Benjamin Woelk Slow Road Consulting

Monday, October 26 | 6:00-8:00 PM | Landmark Society Offices | 133 S. Fitzhugh St. | Rochester, NY 14608

>>RSVP to Caitlin Meives

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