Spring Partners Roundup: The Next Generation
The 2015 Spring Partners Roundup will take place Tuesday, March 10th at The Landmark Society’s offices. The Partners Roundup is an opportunity for community advocates and preservation partners from around the region to gather and share their communities’ or organizations’ challenges and successes. The formal portion of the program will feature a panel discussion with The Landmark Society’s Young Urban Preservationists, Landmark staff, Perry’s Young Professionals & Preservationists, and other young professionals who are active in their communities.
If your community or organization has struggled to engage the next generation, come armed with your questions—we’ll have an amazing panel on hand to brainstorm ideas and provide examples and inspiration!
Tuesday, March 10th | 6:00-8:00 PM | Landmark Society Offices | 133 S. Fitzhugh St. | Rochester, NY 14608 | FREE!
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