2014-12-10 Annual Fund

Support transformation across our region:
Support the 2014 Annual Fund


>>Click here to support the 2014 Annual Fund.

We admit it; it’s fun to see our name in the newspaper and greet the throngs of people who are now attending our very public events such as the House & Garden Tour, Inside Downtown and the Statewide Preservation Conference. We are grateful for your support through event attendance because this revenue fuels the real work of The Landmark Society of Western New York: PRESERVATION.

Our staff is comprised of proud preservationists and many volunteers whose passion for preservation helps us achieve our ultimate goal of saving historic structures and landscapes. The Landmark Society is playing a key role in transforming our region, making sure our heritage is applied as an investment in our future. One example of our work is pictured here. The Eastman Dental Dispensary located on East Main Street in Rochester has been vacant for decades and appears on The Landmark Society’s annual Five to Revive List. The building’s impressive architectural edifice, historic significance and desperate state made its preservation a priority. We worked with local and state officials and succeeded in acquiring critical support in the form of State funding to save the Eastman Dental Dispensary, and also aided in an application for federal historic tax credits. While not yet completed, The Landmark Society’s efforts have helped to create a scenario that represents the absolute best chance of preserving one of our region’s most impressive, and most in need, historic buildings. Once preserved, this building will provide a catalytic boost to an area in need of investment. This is how true transformation begins, and The Landmark Society is at the forefront, working tirelessly to push transformation forward.

Your gift to this Annual Fund appeal enables us to continue the hard–and sometimes complex—preservation work that is transforming our nine-county region. We enjoy working behind the scenes and letting the transformation of these buildings stand for itself.

>>Click here to contribute to the 2014 Annual Fund.

Thank you for your generosity.



Wayne Goodman
Executive Director