FALL PARTNERS ROUNDUP: Something Old, Something New
In partnership with the Western Erie Canal Alliance, we are presenting a “mini-conference” on Thursday, November 6th, 1:00-6:00 p.m. Celebrate your historic Main Street’s past and understand how it can be the real gold ring to your community’s future economic success. Join us to hear from experts in the fields of: historic tax credits, second floor redevelopment, community design strategies, and current economic development trends.
Our Fall Partners Roundup will take place at the end of the day, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., and will feature Joni Monroe from the Community Design Center of Rochester. Our preservation partners from around the region are invited to register for the day’s activities ($25) or are welcome to attend just the Roundup, free of charge. The Partners Roundup is a gathering of community advocates and preservation partners where you can share your community’s or organization’s challenges and successes.
Click the flyer above for a complete list of speakers.
Thursday, November 6 | 1:00-6:00 p.m. | Fairport Electric, 43 Liftbridge Lane, Fairport, NY 14450 | Registration: $25
>>Visit WECA’s website to register for the full event<<
(Email Caitlin Meives if you want to attend only the Partners Roundup, free of charge)
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