Here at the RochesterCityLiving office at the Landmark Society, I took a call last week from a woman in Florida who told me that Rochester was suddenly on their very short list of places to relocate. She explained that Rochester wasn’t anywhere in their consciousness until it started popping up right and left in response to internet searches for the kinds of assets, amenities, and activities that she and her family are seeking in their new hometown. She said excitedly that she kept plugging in her family’s preferences for arts, culture, restaurants, recreation, neighborhoods, civic organizations, and more, and that Rochester kept appearing on her computer screen, over and over again!
It sure is gratifying to learn about and assist people who are discovering Rochester and all that it has to offer! My own story is one of a person who never expected or planned to live anywhere near Rochester, but has been pleasantly surprised since day one (which was now ten years ago) by the variety, diversity, beauty, hospitality, and livability of the City of Rochester.
by Evan Lowenstein
Evan is the Coordinator of RochesterCityLiving— a city living information and inspiration initiative of the Landmark Society