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2021 NY Statewide preservation conference

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Tuesday, 11/16

Small developer virtual seminar


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

cocktails & conversation

Mental Health Matters

Tuesday - 7:00 - 8:00 PM

wednesday, 11/17

Welcome & Opening plenary

Identifying and Addressing Racism and Systemic Bias in Preservation Policy

Wednesday - 8:30-10:00

session A1

Sankofa: Our Past is Everyone's Future

Wednesday - 10:15-11:30

Session B1

The Little Brothel That Wants To Be National Register Listed

Wednesday - 10:15-11:30


Challenging Narratives

Elon Cook Lee

Wednesday - 12:00-1:30

Session A2

Clarissa Uprooted: Youth & Elders Uncover the Story of Black Rochester

Wednesday - 1:45-3:00

session b2

Improving Racial Equity through Historic Preservation

Wednesday - 1:45-3:00

Session B3

A Legacy Deferred: The Architecture of Thomas W. Boyde, Jr.

Wednesday - 3:15-4:30

cocktails & conversation

National Register Listings: How impactful are they for sharing the history of marginalized communities?

Wednesday - 7:00-8:00

thursday, 11/18

Session C1

Oral History Documentation and Historic Preservation

Thursday - 10:15-11:30

session D1

Codeswitch: The Ordeal of Ordinance

Thursday - 10:15-11:30

session C2

True Community Development: Creative Solutions to Financing Small Deals Through the Crowd

Thursday - 11:45-1:00


Joining the CR0WD: Creating a Coalition of Preservationists, Planners, and Architects to Promote Circularity and Reuse

Thursday - 11:45-1:00

session c3

Evolving Preservation: Practitioners and Practices For a Just Field

Thursday - 2:00-3:15


The Enduring Impact of Urban Renewal and Flood Waters in Binghamton’s “Center City”

Thursday - 2:00-3:15


From Redlining to Green Lighting: Restoring Place on Buffalo’s East Side

Thursday - 3:30-4:45