
Call for Session Proposals: 2015 Preservation Conference


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The New York Statewide Preservation Conference is set for April 16-18, 2015 in the lakeside city of Geneva. This year’s theme, The Art of Preservation: Painting Your Community’s Future, is partially inspired by our Conference headquarters—the restored Smith Opera House. But this year’s theme goes beyond the arts—historic preservation is an art form unto itself. Each building, each landscape, each community that we seek to revive requires a unique approach involving partnerships, funding sources and creative problem-solving. And, of course, the buildings, structures and landscapes that we seek to preserve are all works of art in and of themselves.

We want to hear how you and your community have adopted the art of preservation. Session proposals on a wide variety of preservation and community revitalization related topics are welcome, including but not limited to: maintaining historic buildings; historic landscapes; economic development; Main Street revitalization; heritage tourism; community activism; planning; building reuse case studies, etc. All proposals are due by Friday, January 16th at 11:59 PM.

>>Click here to complete the submission form.




Call for Session Proposals: 2015 Preservation Conference
